Fwd: Kubuntu Website - Thank you! - Frank

Ovidiu-Florin BOGDAN ovidiu.b13 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 30 23:46:04 UTC 2016

---------- Mesaj redirecționat ----------
De la: "Anthony Frank" <anthonyfrank at live.com>
Dată: 30 mar. 2016 19:16
Subiect: Kubuntu Website - Thank you! - Frank
Către: <jriddell at ubuntu.com>, <ovidiu-florin at kubuntu.org>

Dear Jonathan & Ovidiu-Florin,

I am a web designer, and happened to come across your website after looking
over different Linux distros I wanted to play with... and let me say "thank
you". Thank you for creating an easy to navigate website, easy to download,
and easy to read website with good documentation. I see so few of them
(good websites) in my carear, I just wanted to stop and say "Job well
done". Keep up the good work, and the Linux community will keep growing.

Website | http://anthonyfrank.me
Email: AnthonyFrank at live.com
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