
Mitch Golden mgolden at
Wed Mar 23 23:03:38 UTC 2016

On Thu, 25 Feb 2016, Aaron Honeycutt wrote:

> It is a Feature Freeze Exception, during Ubuntu's developer they "freeze"
> things at that point no more updates are taken in so testing can begin. I
> believe we have a few packages that NEED updates from our parent
> distribution Debian. Our awesome devs like Scarlett are working hard on all
> of that (and much more) but till the Ubuntu Release Team approved the FFE
> their is not much to push at the moment which means no Beta as well. For
> more detailed info and more updates be sure to hang out in #kubuntu-devel
> on IRC and if you want to help out our super devs too :)

Any news on the FFE, and are there now any plans for a beta?

   - Mitch Golden

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