
Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at
Thu Mar 10 04:34:51 UTC 2016

On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 6:55 AM, Mitch Golden <mgolden at> wrote:
> I know that muon (libqapt2 actually) is not available in the current
> backports repository.  Is it planned to include muon in the 16.04 release? I
> have been doing some work on trying to get muon and libqapt to build, so far
> with only partial success.
>   - Mitch Golden

Hey Mitch, I don't see a reply to you about Muon. As far as I know,
Muon will not be on the ISO. What a query to ubottu in IRC shows me is
that it is in universe, version 4:5.4.3-0ubuntu1 (xenial).

Perhaps Rick Timmis can tell us more?



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