wire.kubuntu.org still needed?
Philip Muskovac
yofel at gmx.net
Thu Jun 30 12:49:30 UTC 2016
The auto-posting wiring is explained on [1] and can be updated by any
ubuntu member, so that's probably the least problematic part of the move.
[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PlanetUbuntu#Adding_Your_Blog
Am 29.06.2016 um 23:39 schrieb Rick Timmis:
> Can we check in with Marcin... he's been posting news to wire.
> I agree it would be better on kubuntu.org, but CAVEAT....
> I believe there are autoposting connections between it and
> planet.ubuntu etc..
> Hopefully Marcin can advise us on what needs to be done...
> I have put up a Trello card, with some actions for what we need to
> connect up etc...
> <https://trello.com/c/bdgPlC8o/138-retiring-wire-kubuntu-org>https://trello.com/c/bdgPlC8o/138-retiring-wire-kubuntu-org
> Once we know what we're dealing with, can we move it to kubuntu.org
> and let the wire server go ?
> Rick
> On 29/06/16 22:25, Ovidiu-Florin BOGDAN wrote:
>> My short answer is: No.
>> Long answer:
>> AFAIK the wire was meant to be an agregator of community Kubuntu
>> related articles, like KDE planet. We could/should integrate that
>> into our site. That would take some research, and implementation on
>> wordpress. Any feedback?
>> *Ovidiu - Florin BOGDAN*
>> GeekAliens.com <http://geekaliens.com>
>> Kubuntu România <http://ro.kubuntu.org>
>> 2016-06-28 11:31 GMT+03:00 Harald Sitter <sitter at kde.org
>> <mailto:sitter at kde.org>>:
>> <starbuck1> valorie: can someone decide, if http://wire.kubuntu.org/
>> is still needed with the new kubuntu webpage "News" section?
>> cheers
>> HS
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