Alpha 2 -- help needed

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at
Fri Dec 30 08:29:49 UTC 2016

I forgot to mention the fact that according to, January 26th is
Alpha 2 (for opt-in flavors).

On Thu, Dec 29, 2016 at 11:41 PM, Valorie Zimmerman
<valorie.zimmerman at> wrote:
> Hi folks, you might notice that we didn't have an Alpha 1 out today.
> That was partly because our packages aren't published and ready to go,
> and the other is that none of the other flavors were ready either.
> Or, perhaps they didn't want to do all that extra work. Because I've
> never been involved in releasing before, I didn't realize that "The
> community flavors that choose to release alpha milestones (and the
> beta-1 milestone) are responsible for finding the resources to make
> these milestones happen. In general, releases will not happen without
> volunteers."
> The page says that
> "tasks need to be performed by someone with shell access to the image
> building machine or someone on the Ubuntu release team.
> * Final publishing
> * Setting up the ISO tracker
> * Handling blocks & unblocks"
> In addition, "Flavour release teams are responsible for ensuring their
> images get rebuilds when required if a global rebuild is not
> occurring" and "Collect any release note URLs from flavours that want
> to provide them,"  "Make sure all flavours have their images marked as
> ready before release day," "Prepare and send release announcement to
> ubuntu-devel-announce with a cc to ubuntu-release, " and "Be
> responsive on IRC."
> Some of us should sign up to do some of these jobs, none of which I
> ever thought of!
> Valorie


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