Bugfix release did not go as well as I was led to believe it would.

Rick Timmis rick.timmis at abazander.com
Sun Apr 24 20:48:31 UTC 2016

Thank you James

Wonderful feed back and thank you for supporting Scarlett via Patreon.

We will be reading this feedback on the upcoming Podcast and again
promoting Patreon

Best Wishes
Rick Timmis

On 21/04/16 02:30, James Cain wrote:
> No doubt - a HUGE THANK YOU to Scarlett and Philip in getting this
> thing out the proverbial door while being understaffed and under the
> gun of a hard date-driven deadline. Right now I can't help much but
> all I could think to do was join Scarlet's Patreon account. It's not
> much but if everyone did that just think what the world would be like
> ;) Anyway I know everyone needs all the encouragement they can get
> right now and I'm sending good vibes to all the hard working people
> who help make Kubuntu possible. ​You all are what the community is.
> And community is awesome.
> Cheers,
> James aka ronnoc


IRC : sick_rimmit
 G+ : https://plus.google.com/+RickTimmis
 LP : https://launchpad.net/~rick-timmis

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