Fwd: Please package Akonadi 1.13 with bugfix for 14.04 LTS backports

Jonathan Riddell jr at jriddell.org
Wed Oct 7 10:54:51 UTC 2015

----- Forwarded message from Stephan Diestelhorst <stephan.diestelhorst at gmail.com> -----

Date: Tue, 06 Oct 2015 21:15:24 -0000
From: Stephan Diestelhorst <stephan.diestelhorst at gmail.com>
To: Jonathan Riddell <riddell at gmail.com>
Subject: Please package Akonadi 1.13 with bugfix for 14.04 LTS backports
Reply-To: Stephan Diestelhorst <stephan.diestelhorst at gmail.com>
Sender: bounces at canonical.com

Hi there,

I am a very happy user of the Kubuntu Backports PPA, but have recently
been bitten by this bug here:

Is there any chance you guys could please package the fix from here

It is here in git:

The tagging / branching is not great, so I can see why it has not been
picked up.

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Stephan Diestelhorst (https://launchpad.net/~syon)
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