Problems in Kubuntu

contato at contato at
Mon Nov 9 14:21:54 UTC 2015


Discontinued Kubuntu Brazil site, position According to our team of 
developers and lawyers of our company.

Because We Can not Provide Support without the help of Canonical community,
Canonical is not listening to users and letting all the users hand.


Paul C.
General manager

Em 09-11-2015 12:11, contato at escreveu:
> Hello,
> We are reporting what users report for our team, a little education 
> would be enough, after all is a list of developers expect a help, 
> because as we are responsible for Kubuntu Brazil, we are also 
> responsible for giving one answers to users in Brazil .
> I see that Kubuntu is not leading to serious problems and see that it 
> is easier to play from one side to the other because users had already 
> reported these problems to Canonical, but the same does not seem to 
> listen to users, which is a shame coming from a Linux system, after 
> all that we know is a community where all help and are helped.
> Even so sorry to report bugs, it is easier to ignore them is not it?
> If we do not support, we can not continue with the site because 
> without support nothing survives.
> Let's rethink the position to continue with the site Kubuntu Brazil, 
> because we do not have to turn to both Canonical and bug reports are 
> not heard. 

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