Problems in Kubuntu
Marcelo Magno T. Sales
mmtsales at
Mon Nov 9 13:33:23 UTC 2015
I'll be surprised if you get any helpful answer for an email such as that.
To begin with, you didn't even mentioned what exactly do you want. If you
want help, this is the wrong list - write to ubuntu-users or kubuntu-users
instead (but be more specific about what problem you're experiencing and
what help you expect to get).
If you're just reporting, there's no point in sending an email to this
list. Fill bug reports in the proper bug tracking system depending on the
software you're having problems with. Of course, you'll need to be much
more specific if you want some feedback, because you didn't mention any
useful info at all... You've got to give detailed info about your problem,
software versions, hardware details, what you did, what happened, what did
you expect to happen.
Em 8 de novembro de 2015 18:58, contato at <contato at
> escreveu:
> Olá,
> Estamos encontrando várias falhas no Kubuntu reportada pelos usuários como
> incompatibilidade com Wireless, configuração com o teclado ABNT2,
> incompatibilidade com a impressora Epson, problemas com Starting Version,
> quedas de conexão constante (realizamos testes em outras distros para ver
> se era um problema e as mesmas não ocorrem a falha), incompatibilidade com
> softwares Windows (desde que incentivem a migração do Windows para o Ubuntu
> vejo que é necessário ter uma compatibilidade maior, mais devido ao modulo
> no ptrace estar ativo prejudica a instalação de aplicativos do Net
> Framework 3.5 e 4.0). Esses são alguns problemas relatados pelos usuários
> referente a utilização do Ubuntu e seus derivados.
> Hello,
> Are finding various faults in Kubuntu reported by users as incompatible
> with Wireless, configuration with ABNT2 keyboard, incompatibility with the
> Epson printer, problems with Starting Version, constant disconnections
> (conducted tests on other distros to see if it was a problem and the same
> not occur to fail), incompatibility with Windows software (provided that
> encourage migration from Windows to Ubuntu see the need to take greater
> compatibility, more due to the module in ptrace be active preclude the
> installation of .Net Framework applications 3.5 and 4.0) . These are some
> problems reported by users regarding the use of Ubuntu and its derivatives.
> Lembrando que estamos apenas relatando os problemas que os usuários estão
> encontrando ao utilizarem o Linux Ubuntu e seus derivados.
> Remembering that we are only reporting the problems that users are finding
> when using Linux Ubuntu and its derivatives.
> --
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