Web Site Hosting

Ovidiu-Florin BOGDAN ovidiu.b13 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 6 20:42:44 UTC 2015

The main problem with a VPS is that we have to take care of the security,

Configuration and maintenance is a piece of cake.

Because of this I strongly suggest that we don't use a VPS.

I have an idea:
1. Prepare rsync scripts and SSH keys
2. Put the script / scripts in the website git repo
3. Who wants to contribute gets SSH (SFTP) access and an WordPress account
on the website

I'm still thinking this through.

Let's focus where it's necessary and that's making Kubuntu the best. Let's
not waste man power. It's good to be able to receive volunteers on all IT
areas, but I don't think this is the Kubuntu purpose. KDE does that

P.S. Can't KDE host our website?

P.P.S. I'm still on holidays till Sunday evening.

Ovidiu-Florin BOGDAN
<a href="http://ovidiu.geekaliens.com">GeekAliens. Com</a>
<a href="http://ro.kubuntu.org">Kubuntu România</a>
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