Web Site Hosting

Xen list at xenhideout.nl
Fri Jun 5 12:33:53 UTC 2015

(This one.com indeed needs you to register a domain with them, which  
is a bit... well, silly. Sorry about that inclusion).

Quoting Xen <list at xenhideout.nl>:

> Are you sure about all of this?
> It's just a simple website right. At this point.
> Why get an VPS provider? It makes no sense.
> VPS is what you do if you want to build a complex website or a server
> that sports additional features other than the website. A place to run
> python scripts, do some background processing (or backend) a place to
> install an FTP server, and so on.
> Just for the website you just don't need it. The only thing that is
> something that is not always available with webhosts is SSH access. I
> would typically want that to be available.
> But then all of the other maintenance (that is not for the website
> itself) falls in the hands of the company you are purchasing it from.
> For example, this one seems fine:   
> http://www.one.com/en/ftp-php-mysql-ssh-sftp
> Of course, being a software project yourself you DO want some "ownness"
> to it. But I think VPS is just too much, places too much of a burden on
> the volunteers.
> That is, unless you are planning to do much more with the website.
> (This one.com is weird though, it seems you have to register a domain.)
> Buuut, it seems you are already on the tract of getting a VPS. Take
> care though. Take care, and watch it.
> Regards, Bart
> Quoting Olivier van der Toorn <oliviervdtoorn at gmail.com>:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Hey Kubuntu-dev,
>> I have some experience with being a system administrator. Been a sys
>> admin at my study association for a couple of years now.
>> I'd like to help out :)
>> Cheers,
>> - -O.I. van der Toorn.
>> On 06/05/2015 09:11 AM, Rick.Timmis wrote:
>>> OK, thats good to know Pawel. Once a server is setup, I can setup
>>> ssh keys, ( provided you've a known public key on launchpad ) I am
>>> more than happy to bo most or even all of the work, but need
>>> others to assist and be upto speed withits setup, so that I am not
>>> a single point of failure.
>>> So now we are 2 :-)
>>> Rick
>>> Sent from my Dragon 32
>>> Pawe? Abramowicz <pawelabrams at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> When this semester ends, I'm more than happy to help. I have some
>>> experience in LAMP and LEMP stacks... And if no one would be able
>>> to personally ssh into the server, digital ocean has quite good
>>> tutorials for beginners on the matter, too (they can be used by
>>> sysadmins with http-only Internet access like 'do what they say in
>>> this article').
>>> pt., 5 cze 2015, 08:29 Rick.Timmis u?ytkownik
>>> <Rick.Timmis at abazander.com <mailto:Rick.Timmis at abazander.com>>
>>> napisa?:
>>> Hello all
>>> I am afraid my company decided that they wouldn't be able to
>>> provide hosting, admin etc... The reason for this is because they
>>> are in the process of migrating between providers.
>>> However, as I mentioned in an earlier response to the post of a
>>> potential hosting offer from Digital Ocean. I am happy to
>>> personally share responsibilty for sysadmin and support of a
>>> donated server
>>> I would also be happy to install it as a lamp server, secure it
>>> and document the configuration.
>>> If there are some others, personally I think 3 admins would give
>>> us perfect redundancy, that would help work with me then I think
>>> this would work.
>>> Thanks. Rick
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