Web Site Hosting

Xen list at xenhideout.nl
Fri Jun 5 12:28:38 UTC 2015

Are you sure about all of this?

It's just a simple website right. At this point.

Why get an VPS provider? It makes no sense.

VPS is what you do if you want to build a complex website or a server  
that sports additional features other than the website. A place to run  
python scripts, do some background processing (or backend) a place to  
install an FTP server, and so on.

Just for the website you just don't need it. The only thing that is  
something that is not always available with webhosts is SSH access. I  
would typically want that to be available.

But then all of the other maintenance (that is not for the website  
itself) falls in the hands of the company you are purchasing it from.

For example, this one seems fine: http://www.one.com/en/ftp-php-mysql-ssh-sftp

Of course, being a software project yourself you DO want some  
"ownness" to it. But I think VPS is just too much, places too much of  
a burden on the volunteers.

That is, unless you are planning to do much more with the website.

(This one.com is weird though, it seems you have to register a domain.)

Buuut, it seems you are already on the tract of getting a VPS. Take  
care though. Take care, and watch it.

Regards, Bart

Quoting Olivier van der Toorn <oliviervdtoorn at gmail.com>:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hey Kubuntu-dev,
> I have some experience with being a system administrator. Been a sys
> admin at my study association for a couple of years now.
> I'd like to help out :)
> Cheers,
> - -O.I. van der Toorn.
> On 06/05/2015 09:11 AM, Rick.Timmis wrote:
>> OK, thats good to know Pawel. Once a server is setup, I can setup
>> ssh keys, ( provided you've a known public key on launchpad ) I am
>> more than happy to bo most or even all of the work, but need
>> others to assist and be upto speed withits setup, so that I am not
>> a single point of failure.
>> So now we are 2 :-)
>> Rick
>> Sent from my Dragon 32
>> Pawe? Abramowicz <pawelabrams at gmail.com> wrote:
>> When this semester ends, I'm more than happy to help. I have some
>> experience in LAMP and LEMP stacks... And if no one would be able
>> to personally ssh into the server, digital ocean has quite good
>> tutorials for beginners on the matter, too (they can be used by
>> sysadmins with http-only Internet access like 'do what they say in
>> this article').
>> pt., 5 cze 2015, 08:29 Rick.Timmis u?ytkownik
>> <Rick.Timmis at abazander.com <mailto:Rick.Timmis at abazander.com>>
>> napisa?:
>> Hello all
>> I am afraid my company decided that they wouldn't be able to
>> provide hosting, admin etc... The reason for this is because they
>> are in the process of migrating between providers.
>> However, as I mentioned in an earlier response to the post of a
>> potential hosting offer from Digital Ocean. I am happy to
>> personally share responsibilty for sysadmin and support of a
>> donated server
>> I would also be happy to install it as a lamp server, secure it
>> and document the configuration.
>> If there are some others, personally I think 3 admins would give
>> us perfect redundancy, that would help work with me then I think
>> this would work.
>> Thanks. Rick
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