kpty dep lost, needs reverting, breaks kwrited

Harald Sitter sitter at
Mon Jun 1 19:28:06 UTC 2015

oh oh and I see some frameworks are marked orange in CI, perhaps
someone can check that out and improve to green. orange frameworks are
always bad brrr.

On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 9:25 PM, Harald Sitter <sitter at> wrote:
> ahoy ahoy
> I fixed Jon's CI breakage today and noticed a bad bad regression and
> my frail mind was not able to find the commit that actually broke it
> so *shrug*...
> kindly note that due to the debian merge the kpty packaging presently
> has regressed and lost a build dep that in turn affects the way
> kwrited (part of plasma releases) is built. since wily_archive for
> 5.10 was branched a while ago it is still broken and will need fixing
> before landing otherwise I think kwrited will either not load or
> perhaps even make kded explode as a whole.
> to fix it simply cherrypick this commit
> and do a new upload
> other than that it appears the builds should be fine. or at least what
> is now in unstable is fine :S
> also someone add this incident to some list for talking over with
> maxy. since I am not sure how it broke this needs investigation and
> discussion (i.e. us diverging on debian in the area of bdeps is a
> problem we had not considered as it essentially means that when debian
> merges our stuff and re-applies their changes we will in turn need to
> merge and re-apply our changes - of course someone is going to forget
> that and things are going to break and everything will fall apart and
> voldemort will rise again and sorry I am rambling....)
> also I'll be mostly not reachable until thursday or so due to travels
> HS

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