Upgrade bugs from 14.10 to 15.04

Rick.Timmis Rick.Timmis at Abazander.com
Mon Jun 1 06:31:49 UTC 2015

Hi Rajinda

Firstly, sorry to hear you are having so much trouble.

There are a few issues in your email, and it would help us so much if these could be posted to kubuntu-bugs on launchpad.net
You could use the built in bug reporting tool, which will grab your system information too.

We can then triage these, see of we can replicate the issues, and fix them..

Hey thanks for taking the time to feed thst detail back, and even making a video awesome!

Best wishes

Sent from my Dragon 32Dev Guy <devguy.ca at gmail.com> wrote:Hello,

I recently upgraded my Kubuntu system from 14.10 to 15.04 by accident, I say accident because last time I did this my system was hosed and I had to do a fresh install. I suggest removing that annoying upgrade system button from the updates available UI. In fact make it a separate notice alogether that I can choose to disable once notified.

So my system seems broken but mostly usable, after upgrade I get odd crashes when I open system setting dialogs (not always, so far 2 or 3 times).

Initally the "UI" update that is launched from taskbar notification didn't complete the upgrade. However system settings said I had the latest version 15.04. At this point the desktop looked the same as 14.10.

Two days later, I tried a upgrade using the command line, 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade', this in fact has some issues also. I had to use the command line because the upgrade notification no longer showed up as a button in the update notification UI.

1. At the end of 2nd upgrade I was told to do a force install of items that failed to install, which I did.

2. I rebooted and did the following things again:

  $ sudo apt-get update
  $ sudo apt-get upgrade
  $ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade 

Finally I had to run the 'apt-get dist-upgrade' command a few *more* times. I even run the autoclean, autoremove, purge commands.

3) Now I get odd crashes from system dialogs, when I open the setting dialog and do something.

4) I cannot change the desktop Wallpaper, when the 'Image' dialog is opened:

a) No images are shown
b) i cannot seen or navigate to sub-folders
c) I can't download wallpaper, see error saying download.kde.org/ocs/providers.xml failed.
If I manually type the folder location, this doesn't show images in the folder.

5) When I put my system to sleep (overnight) when I try to wake it up the screen rendering is messed up and unviewable, or it's black.Here is a video I captured with my cell phone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxcQhPmF374

About putting the system to sleep, bug only happens overnight, if I put the system to sleep and wake it after a few minutes everything is OK. What is different is I am able to wake it using my keyboard. Overnight my wireless keyboard goes to sleep and I have to use the power button to wake the system up. So not sure if how I am waking the system up is part of the problem. I will try this after send this email out.

Kind Regards,
Rajinder Yadav 
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