Kubuntu Council -- how can we help?

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at gmail.com
Mon Dec 28 22:14:55 UTC 2015

On Mon, Dec 28, 2015 at 12:48 PM, Ovidiu-Florin BOGDAN
<ovidiu.b13 at gmail.com> wrote:
> În ziua de Sunday 27 December 2015, la 22:46:59, Valorie Zimmerman a scris:
>> Hello folks, I know it's the holidays. Still, we need some forward
>> movement. It seem that it is the duty of your Council to help out.
>> Recently I've noticed rather often in #kubuntu people asking why the
>> only news on the website is Jon leaving. I've explained that he's not
>> leaving, merely stepping back from his positiuon as release manager,
>> but the questions continue. Clivejo recently point this out in
>> #kubuntu-devel, and said: "I do think the KCC need to take the lead :P "
>> Continuing, "if someone shows an interest, net them quickly and get
>> them communicating with the people who can help develop the skills
>> <clivejo> people look at the website and see no activity since Jon
>> "stood" down. New people just see that as a community falling apart :( "
>> I agree, and we all need to take the lead. As I see it, our first
>> priority is to get those packaging docs in order. When new people
>> volunteer, we need something to point them to, when there is no
>> developer around to take their hand directly. And whenever they have
>> time, they can use the docs for review, or learn about a different
>> task, or even improve on what we have. I believe that a group is
>> coalescing to begin this work. How can the KC help?
> Caydoh asked, "Is there a way to post an article announcement for the
>> last plasma release we had, or announcing kubuntu podcast epsisodes?
>> Surely there is some things we can post on the site to show something
>> is going on without having to explain and/or apologize for delays."
> I agree. We need to get some news on the site weekly, at least. Even
>> just a few sentences pointing to a Dot story. Who does this now, and
>> how can the KC help?

> Caydoh also asks "With the very short turnarounds in plasma version
>> releases, let alone Frameworks and Applications, how should we manage
>> those?"
> I would love to see us start off the new year in a positive way. What
>> are some steps we can take to begin?
> Valorie
> I just went through the documentation we have for packaging:
> https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu#Packaging and I'm sad to say that (I
> think) we don't have packaging documentation. We can barely call that an
> outline. Barely!
> If there's some docs elsewhere, please let me know, so we may try to merge
> them.
> I've talked with Philip, Clive, and Aaron to have a sprint in 28-30 Dec.
> 2015 and clean this up.
> So far we've made this:
> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1SoO83PepBkU_kkbLL2eIeVDYYDzv6OEA1npVoCp7wHo
> It's just a crude overview of how things interact with each other. Please
> provide feedback.
> From here we plan to make other diagrams and texts that explain each section
> in more detail. But...
> The biggest problem is... time and resources. I mean, it's the holidays, and
> (from what I can understand) only Philip and Scarlett know what's actually
> going on here. Me and Clive are desperatly trying to understand how things
> are going and work on something but we need help.
> This situation is getting very frustating to all of us. I recommend that we
> have a meeting as soon as possible with the KC and some devs/packagers and
> talk about how we can sort this out best.
> I'd love to do this before the new year's eve, so we may progress with work,
> so we have some good/great news on the podcast in the 6th of January.
> --
> Ovidiu-Florin Bogdan

Thanks for getting the ball rolling, Ovidiu-Florin. I've heard
reference to some older docs -- Debian and Ubuntu stuff I believe.
Perhaps those can be useful.


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