Fwd: 15.10 fails to boot thin-LVM

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at kubuntu.org
Fri Aug 28 21:39:06 UTC 2015

I am pretty sure that these questions are better addressed to the
kubuntu-devel list, as you are using an unreleased version and I doubt
this should go to the user support list.

Regards, Myriam

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Xen <list at xenhideout.nl>
Date: Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 9:38 PM
Subject: 15.10 fails to boot thin-LVM
To: kubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com

I have a 15.10 install that I copied onto a thinly provisioned LVM.
After this change, the system wouldn't boot anymore. I'm not sure
about the exact error messages at this point, but suffice to say for
now that there were errors about the thin-volumes not being able to be
loaded. This may actually have to do with the package
thin-provisioning-tools not being installed by default, or not being
included in the initrd.

I can't regen my initrd at this point due to the other problem of not
being able to chroot into my install. I will have to boot it from a
regular partition, try to regen the initrd (how can I do that if it
won't know I'll need it?) and then boot from there when the thing is
copied back onto the thin.

It is because activating a thin-volume will try to use thin_check and
if it's not there, it will fail :(. A pretty bad dependency, I must

But it's the same as cryptsetup... I think it really needs thin_check
in the initrd to even begin loading the volumes.

Does anyone have a recipe for getting this working?

I can
- boot the system from a regular partition
- install the package from there
- regenerate the initrd and install it

What is the third step? Will it work automatically? Do I need to
provide a hook for initramfs-tools or something?.

Regards, Bart

ps. I would also suggest to add thin-provisioning-tools to the base
image of Kubuntu.


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