Main navigation elements

Bart Schouten list at
Thu Apr 9 23:44:43 UTC 2015

I am trying to condense some thought I had about these navigational 

Currently writing an ODT (Calligra) document that should reveal what I 
mean in the most terse way possible while not taking away the rationale.

But my suggestions come down to the following:

1. I feel there should be five elements but News should not be part of it.
2. You can name the same things in many ways but they are still the same 
3. Sponsors, Contribution, Features and Community are important 
4. The missing element is Overview.

5. The front page mirrors those 5 elements.
6. The front page is then composed of:
-- introduction
-- call to action
-- news section
-- links to things of interest
-- icons for Debian and all.

7. Whats missing on the front page is the news section.
8. The items on the front page need to be reordered as per (6)

9. The call to action on the front page mirrors those 5 elements:
-- viewing the website is the 5th element that is not needed there, which 
is why there are 4 items
-- all of the required items are already present but they need a slight 
-- the items are: Downloads, Feature Tour, Feedback, Installation/Setup
-- currently they are called: Download Kubuntu, Feature Tour, Contribute, 
and Help, so the reorder is to exchange the 3rd and 4th element.

10. Feature Tour and Features should really be different things.
11. The "Contribute" part of (9) is not the same as the big "Getting 
involved" page but rather a simple website feedback form.

On Wed, 8 Apr 2015, Ovidiu-Florin BOGDAN (via Doodle) wrote:

> Hi there,
> Ovidiu-Florin BOGDAN (ovidiu.b13 at invites you to participate
> in the Doodle poll "Main navigation elements."
> Ovidiu-Florin BOGDAN says:
> I've made a pool you can vote on what elements should remain on the
> main navigation bar on the website.
>  Please choose only the
> elements that you think should be in the main navigation bar.
> Choose maximum 5, as more will be too crouded.
>  Keep in mind that
> we also have a footer where all these links are already there.
> I'll keep this for a few days, maximum until 15 of April.
> Participate now
> What is Doodle? Doodle is a web service that helps Ovidiu-Florin
> BOGDAN to find a suitable date for meeting with a group of people.
> Learn more about how Doodle works.
> (
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> You have received this e-mail because "Ovidiu-Florin BOGDAN" has
> invited you to participate in the Doodle poll "Main navigation
> elements."
> ----
> Doodle AG, Werdstrasse 21, 8021 Zürich

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