Plasma 5 issues

Mitch Golden mgolden at
Tue Nov 25 16:06:58 UTC 2014

On Tue, 25 Nov 2014, Harald Sitter wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 6:29 AM, Mitch Golden <mgolden at> wrote:
>> I have been testing the 14.10 plasma 5 ISO, and wanted to give my feedback.
>> Unlike prior betas I don't see any place to report issues. Below is my
>> report. I am happy to cut this up and report the issues any place suggested.
> Thanks.
> All issues in general always ought to be filed as bug reports.
> Informal mails only make them get lost and harder to parse.

OK, no problem.

In the past there were explicit instructions on the beta download for 
additional places to report specific problems during the test.  My fear is 
that by just filing an ordinary bug report they will get lost.  (Also, 
someone on #kubuntu-devel asked for an e-mail here.)

I will post bugs as well, but my hope was that someone would tell me 
exactly where to post them - either on launchpad or upstream.  And sure 
enough, you did!

>> *) Running from the DVD, the screen did not properly start up.  However,
>>  when I typed "startx", the X server successfully started up and I was
>>  able to use the system.  There were no problems with connecting to
>>  wifi, and I was able to surf with Firefox.
> If I am not mistaken we did not release a DVD image, so I am confused.

It's right there on the kubuntu home page...

I assume that this is the same as testing via the use of the ppa?

> At any rate this should be reported to xorg first and might then be
> hurled in a more concrete direction. Without logs this can be caused
> by everything and the kitchen sink.
> ubuntu-bug xorg

Will post there.  Given that I am running from the ISO I hope it's easy to 
find the relevant log files.

>> *) The installer went through the normal installation process, but at
>>  the end it told me it was trying to re-install all my packages.  It
>>  then popped up a window telling me that it would not be able to install
>>  all  the old packages, but that installation would continue.  When I
>>  clicked  OK, the installer crashed.  I believe I have seen this same
>>  crash in  previous installs, so it probably has nothing to do with the
>>  plasma 5 install in particular.
> Without backtrace this is not useful information unfortunately.

Can you suggest a way to get a backtrace of an installer crash?  During an 
install, I don't know how one would get the -dbg packages installed, or 
drkonqi to pop up...

Will file all the other bugs in appropriate places.

> Thanks again for the testing! (:

Happy to (try to) help.

   - Mitch

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