Help!! Missing symbol, possible ABI break?

Harald Sitter sitter at
Thu Nov 6 00:53:51 UTC 2014

On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 1:28 AM, Scarlett Clark <sgclark at> wrote:
> Hello everyone, I may have my first possible ABI break and I need some
> assistance determining this. Please be kind, I am still learning C++.
> Missing symbol: #MISSING: 5.4.0# _ZN6Plasma6Applet16destroyedChangedEb at Base
> 5.3.0+git20141101.0456

^ Note the version at the end of the line, that is the version the
symbol was supposedly added. since it is 5.3+git the symbol was added
some time after 5.3 but before the 5.4 packaging was created
(otherwise the version would be 5.4+git). So since the symbol was not
there in <=5.3 this is of no consequence at all. Even if this was a
legit symbol retraction it would been one that happend between during
the course of development rather than actual releases.

when branching/merging the unstable packaging branches Jonathan should
probably do so by a datetime that is somewhat close to when the actual
release was tagged, rather than HEAD.

Reason of why this symbol lights up:
5.4 tars were announced on November 2, the release was however tagged
before that [1]. The new symbol also arrived that [2] same day after
tagging [3]. So the symbol was introduced in the timeframe between
tagging and the Kubuntu package fiddling. It never was part of 5.4 or
the development leading up to 5.4. In a way the problem you see is
that Kubuntu CI is too fast in adopting changes so the symbols file
already had a symbol that is only going to appear in 5.5 ;)

bug in the matrix. everyone get out :O



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