Help!! Missing symbol, possible ABI break?

Scarlett Clark sgclark at
Thu Nov 6 00:28:15 UTC 2014

Hello everyone, I may have my first possible ABI break and I need some 
assistance determining this. Please be kind, I am still learning C++.

Missing symbol: #MISSING: 5.4.0# _ZN6Plasma6Applet16destroyedChangedEb at Base 

c++ filt: Plasma::Applet::destroyedChanged(bool)

Looking at master it was replaced with new code ( in my research it was 
removed to workaround on textarea input breaking)

But our current tar remains with it removed completely and so I need to know 
if this is an ABI break or do we have the wrong tar? 

I have attached the diff between master -> our current tar.
Please if anyone can assist me here.

Scarlett Clark
Kubuntu Developer
KDE Contributor
IRC: sgclark
Email: sgclark at
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