
Ovidiu-Florin Bogdan ovidiu.b13 at gmail.com
Thu May 8 10:19:54 UTC 2014

Hello Octavio,

I saw your message on IRC. Thank you for your help.
We've started somoe work on that (mostly Robert) and right now we're waiting for some feedback from the Evolve theme developers.

Meanwhile there are still some other stuff that need to be done on the current site. You can find the do to list here [1]
Chose what ever you think you can do. 

For the moment I can't give you access to the server unless someone can vouch for you, but most taks don't require access to the server.
If you're using Chrome/Chromium (even Firefox) you can see and test different CSS/HTML/JS rules and code, and when you have a solution, just mail it to me.

Do you have designer skils?
We have a task [2] that needs to look very good and contain the information from [3] but in a more attractive way.
I imagine it to look something like a gallery of pictures.
Somethink like the one at the bottom of this page [4] but o two or three columns.

P.S.: I'm not always at the computer, but I'm always online on IRC, so I see your messages, but if You're not online then, I can't reply to you. I recommend setting up a Quassel Core somewhere.

[1] https://trello.com/c/dqp1iW1A/48-migrate-copy-the-kubuntu-site-to-wordpress[1] 
[2] https://notes.kde.org/p/y4frUrFlrY[2] 
[3] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/GettingInvolved/WhoWeAre[3] 
[4] http://kineticjs.com/[4] 

*Ovidiu-Florin Bogdan*
Kubuntu România[6] 

[1] https://trello.com/c/dqp1iW1A/48-migrate-copy-the-kubuntu-site-to-wordpress
[2] https://notes.kde.org/p/y4frUrFlrY
[3] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/GettingInvolved/WhoWeAre
[4] http://kineticjs.com/
[5] http://geekaliens.com
[6] http://ro.kubuntu.org
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