Critical: Precise PPA Kubuntu Backports: KDE 4.13 KWallet not working

Jonathan Riddell jr at
Fri May 2 09:47:44 UTC 2014

We patched this out because it was breaking new installs which
defaulted to gpg kwallet before any gpg keys had been set up.  I'd
uploaded 4.13.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.04~ppa5 to the PPA now which enables
it but it's not enabled in 14.04 LTS.


On Fri, May 02, 2014 at 10:22:32AM +0200, Pali Rohár wrote:
> Hello,
> after upgrading KDE 4.12 to KDE 4.13 from Kubuntu Backports, 
> KWallet no longer can read my local GPG password wallet. It 
> cannot open it, show only generic error. So I cannot read any 
> password from wallet.
> I think this is critical problem, because it worked before 
> upgrade and access to password wallet is needed for any user who 
> using kde wallet.
> I tried to find where is problem and it looks like KWallet GPG 
> support is disabled at compile time. Can you fix it?

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