social media foo

James Cain james.cain.25 at
Fri Jun 13 19:07:29 UTC 2014

On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 2:50 PM, Jonathan Riddell <jr at> wrote:

> The nice people down the corridor for me have set me up with an account on
> their social media management wheejum (technical term) that can manage
> several accounts in one place.
> So I've set it up to go to the twitter account
> and set up a facebook page
> Hopefully I've set it up so any news posted to the website or kubuntu wire
> goes out on twitter and facebook although I'm not convinced that's working
> yet.
> Alas it can't post to Google+ because Google are evil and don't have any
> API to do so.
> If you want an account on the sodash setup let me know and I'll ask them
> to add one for you.
> Jonathan

​I know it's proprietary (and probably already has been discussed; I
haven't been able to follow Ku too much recently because of other real
world commitments), but Hootsuite can post simultaneously to Twitter,
Facebook Pages, and G+. I believe it can take RSS feeds automatically as
well. One area it really shines is reporting. Another great tool is the
ability to schedule posts automatically for maximum impact, based on some
unknown fuzzy logic. ​

The "wheejum" dynamic is cool also!

- James
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