KF5 Packaging

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer perezmeyer at gmail.com
Fri Jan 10 15:12:33 UTC 2014

On Thursday 09 January 2014 14:24:37 Jonathan Riddell wrote:
> I've started packaging the KF5 Technical Preview for Kubuntu and I'd really
> like the packages to be able to be picked up by Debian.
> I'm putting them into our experimental PPA.
> https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/experimental/+packages
> Please take a look and let me know of any changes needed.

I really don't know if I'll be able to make the time to look at them, but:
> some questions:
>  do -dbg packages get a library version?  libfoo5-dbg or libfoo-dbg (or is
> Debian getting automatically made dbgsym any time soon?)

At first thought I think I would use libfoo5-dbg, but I remember that ¿Pino? 
told me some rationale behind preferring libfoo-dbg that made me do the switch 
in libqjson. I think it was similar to the -dev one, but I can't tell it for 

> Source point to git archive or
> https://projects.kde.org/projects/frameworks/kcodecs

The last one.

> use multi-arch: same?

If it's applicable, I don't see why not.

>  attica has same source package in qt4 version, renamed to attica-kf5   but
> is kf5attica better? (alternativly they could both be built out of the same
> source as I've done with phonon but that gets complex quickly).

If I would be looking for attica I would expect the source name to start with 
attica. So I would prefer attica-kf5 as source name.

And I think I'll go with phonon-qt5 for source name instead of mangling the 
rules files that much. If the source has a bug, I prefer to push two sources 
than needing to mangle error-prone rules files.

Thanks a lot for your effort!


Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer
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