
James Cain james.cain.25 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 26 18:42:37 UTC 2014

On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 3:30 AM, Harald Sitter <apachelogger at ubuntu.com>wrote:

> anyone knows what our accessibility goal is? because for quite a while
> it seems that we simply have somewhat random applications on the ISO
> and consider that making the system accessible?
> HS
Perhaps this could be a goal for 14.10?

* Define the requirements for a desktop environment to be considered
"accessible" for physically challenged individuals, if not adequately
referenced elsewhere (see below)
* See what Canonical / Ubuntu has already in this area for reference (
* See what KDE's goals / requirements are (although this looks rather
outdated :/ (http://accessibility.kde.org/)
* Combine the best of above, and any other requirements, in a way that
makes sense for Kubutnu and define our goals in our own words
* Write up specs to include new technologies that work hand-in-hand with
older tools. Ex. using KDE's Simon, etc. along with apps originally
included in the KDE spec.
* *Hey - why not have an "Accessibility Activity" pre-defined in Kubuntu?!
* Have awesome devs make any changes for 14.10 at installation, plus maybe
add a Ubiquity slide, etc.
* Document on Kubuntu Wiki
* Profit

I would be willing to help with this. BTW there are a few members of the
Linux Distro Community that I have spoken to in the past on Teamspeak about
these issues and how they overcome them. IIRC they did not use KDE /
Kubuntu at the time, but I could still reach out to them for potentially
valuable feedback...

- James
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