Fwd [ubuntu-release] Re: LTS status for Ubuntu flavours]

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at kitterman.com
Sat Feb 22 16:48:13 UTC 2014

On Saturday, February 22, 2014 12:08:35 Rohan Garg wrote:
> > I think you are misreading that.  It specifically talks about users
> potentially
> > needing to upgrade only every 4 years.
> Unless my eyes are deceiving me, the last line specifically talks about
> upgrading twice every 4 years, which equates to a support lifetime of 2
> years?

OK.  In any case, I still have 5 year LTS.  In addition to the reasons I 
mentioned previously, I don't want to accept Kubuntu being second class 
citizen in the Ubuntu project in any way I don't have to.  

I think 5 years is working out for 12.04 (so far) and I don't think we should 

Scott K

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