Kubuntu 12.04 repositories broken by partly KDE 5 upgrade

Jörn Schönyan joern.schoenyan at web.de
Tue Dec 30 13:19:56 UTC 2014

Am Dienstag, 30. Dezember 2014 12:14:14 CEST schrieb Christian Bjørnbak:
> Hi
> Earlier today I ran moun updates on my Kubuntu 12.04.5.
> It contained what seems to be a partial KDE 5 upgrade.
> The result is that my KDE is broken.
> sudo apt-get cache show kde-full show that it has version 
Hi Christian, can you show us the output of the command

cat /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*

If you only have a TTY avaible, you could try getting the output to 
Pastebin with "pastebinit".
> Kind regards,
> Christian Bjørnbak
Regards, Jörn

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