New site feedback

Clay Weber clay at
Mon Apr 14 23:31:08 UTC 2014

On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 01:37:31 AM Ovidiu-Florin Bogdan wrote:
> Hello world,
> I've started a demo migration of the news archive from our current Drupal
> site to the new Wordpress site available here:[1]
> .
> I'd like some feedback from you guys.
> First and most important: feedback on how do the migrated news
> work/look/etc.
> Once all issues on this matter are solved, I'll do the full migration.
> Once this is done, I can start working on other stuff you will provide
> feedback on.
> I want to do the full migration in 10 hours starting from now. I think this
> is enough time for most of you to take a quick look at the site.
> Feedback for other stuff is welcome.
> P.S. I'll do my best to finish this in time for the launch.--
> Ovidiu-Florin Bogdan
> Kubuntu România[3]
> --------
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]

I like it a lot!

A couple of suggestions, though ;)

1) Could the "meta" and "languages" blocks be relocated? It would be a nicer 
fit (imo) if the language selector was in the header perhaps, which would also 
make it more visible to the users. The Meta block, if it is really necessary, 
could be in the footer perhaps?

2) Some sort of contrasting color for the article titles on the news page, or 
for the titles' background, might make thing "pop" a bit better on the News 

Again, I love  it! Nice work! :)

Clay Weber (claydoh) 

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