[kubuntu-devel] Change the default settings of Kubuntu to improve the first time

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at kitterman.com
Thu Jan 24 05:01:14 UTC 2013

On Wednesday, January 23, 2013 11:37:24 PM Rafael Belmonte wrote:
> Firefox KDE integration is supposed to work again with packages from
> blue-shell team, those packages may be included in the Ubuntu Archive
> (section universe).
> I know firefox needs to be patched, and if official firefox maintainer does
> not want to patch firefox, we could make a fork of Firefox called
> "firefox-kde" or something.

Not and be consistent with the Mozilla corp trademark policy for Firefox.  
We'd probably have to rename it.  Also, keeping Firefox up to date in all 
releases is a major job.  Doing it for Firefox is a full time job for someone 
at Canonical.  There is no way we have the resources to do the same for a 
second copy of the package.

Scott K

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