[kubuntu-devel] Re: tablets request

Harald Sitter sitter.harald at gmail.com
Tue Feb 26 22:19:34 UTC 2013

On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 7:15 PM, Jussi Schultink <jussi01 at ubuntu.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 6:56 PM, Rohan Garg <rohangarg at kubuntu.org> wrote:
>> I'm late to the party a bit, but I'd like to request funds to get a
>> Nexus 10. The plan being to work on it over the next couple of months
>> and get it ready to be demo'd at UDS-S with working graphics
>> acceleration, touch and multimedia.
>> Before we approve anything more, I'd like to know the "state of the
> exchequer" and so on - it seems a little haphazard at the moment.  Perhaps
> we should put together a plan/budget for devices and such for the next 6
> months/year? Also, any devices we buy the "loanee" should be making a
> monthly report on what has been achieved/done, and if the device is not
> being used we pass it to someone who will make use of it.

JR will love the bureaucracy there :P

IMO budgeting device expenses ought to be done when planning a release

At UDS14.04 we decide that we want supported Kubuntu 14.04 images on the
Nexus 500 and need a testing device for that. Responsible developer/tester
is appointed, devs decide whether it can be done etc.. Council then tries
to secure funding of the device (sponsoring or council expense or whatever).

To that extend device expenses always ought to be tied to hard targets
(i.e. releases), such that a device need would occur ultimately >=6months
before the release. This way the council has some time to find the best way
to go about financing the device and also something to measure whether it
was worthwhile (we get the supported Kubuntu 14.04 image = success;
otherwise = failure ... naturally a management inclined person may then try
to find out what went wrong etc. ;)).

Totally agree on the monthly report thing.

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