New Screenlock System Shortcut Broken

Aleix Pol aleixpol at
Sun Feb 10 20:30:58 UTC 2013

On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 2:20 PM, Félim Whiteley <felimwhiteley at>wrote:

> **
> Hi Folks,
> Not sure if this is jsut something specific to my machine or if any of you
> have noticed it. I regularly use CTRL+ALT+L to lock my screen. I lvoe the
> new screenlock page as I used to encounter situation where I could see my
> screen behnd the password entry box. So the new one is great.
> On upgrade from 4.9 -> 4.10 on 12.04 I lost the abiolity to use that
> keyboard shortcut. Looking in the globals I notice that that combo had been
> assigned to the new kscreenlock command and it had been unassigned from KDE
> Session Manager. Unassigning it fromt he new one and reassigning to Session
> manager reactivated it. And it is running kscreenlock.
> Not sure if it's worth logging as a bug or is just some weirdness on my
> machine.
> Cheers,
> Félim
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FWIW, for me it stopped working at some point and I had to go and activate
it manually. I run plasma from master, though...

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