Change in AptUrl-Kde to not depend on software-properties-kde

Harald Sitter apachelogger at
Wed Feb 6 22:42:53 UTC 2013

On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 8:22 PM, Rafael Belmonte <eaglescreen at>wrote:

> Since sections can be enabled by using add-apt-repository, I suggest to
> use it instead of software-properties-kde, this way, apturl-kde will depend
> on software-properties-common instead of software-properties-kde, which has
> more logic for me.
> I think that Harald or experienced Kubuntu developers could do this change
> easily. If not, I would try to do it by myself. The important matter is if
> you agree with doing this change in apturl-kde.

apturl is going away soonishy (i.e. apparently this year) so I would rather
not fiddle with working code. unless this is a blocking issue for you guys,
in which case I'd ask you to test the change for secondary QA.

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