kubuntu 14.04 wants to install firefox

Jonathan Riddell jr at jriddell.org
Fri Dec 6 10:16:00 UTC 2013

On Thu, Dec 05, 2013 at 08:53:07PM -0500, Dale Trombley wrote:
>    I have been using 14.04 kubuntu development version since it was ready for
>    testers. Even though I really liked firefox at one time I really don't
>    like it anymore and don't use it. I have never install firefox on this
>    setup and still have the Mozilla Firefox Browser Installer icon in
>    menu>applications>internet.
>    Not sure what has changed but suddenly doing a dist-upgrade wants to
>    install firefox. I don't want it unless it's a change the developers have
>    done to default to firefox.  If the developers have made this change I
>    will let it install and use it for testing.
>    Otherwise, how is the best way to dig into what is suddenly wanting to
>    install firefox?

It was decided that because there was no sight of fixes coming for the
various significant problems that rekonq has to change to Firefox.  I
find this very sad as I always wanted Kubuntu to show the best of KDE
but currently KDE has no viable native web browser option so it's been
changed to the only web browser with security support in the archive.


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