Are bugs triaged at kubuntu-ppa?

Harald Sitter apachelogger at
Fri Jan 27 15:53:14 UTC 2012

On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 4:29 PM, Thomas Olsen <thomas at> wrote:
> On Friday 27 January 2012 16:19 Harald Sitter wrote:
>> They are not monitored by kubuntu-bugs IIRC. Then again all bugs
>> everywhere are undertriaged. Then again most bugs in kubuntu-ppa (or
>> actually generally) are not Kubuntu bugs but upstream, and if they are
>> Kubuntu then they usually get triaged and fixed rather quickly.
> So in general I might as well report upstream to start with? One of the issues
> I reported is probably an upstream bug, but I guess you customize the KDE
> start up script? Is it still called startkde?

Yes, you should report to upstream unless you are in doubt and think
it might be a Kubuntu issue. That said, if more people were triaging
bugs different workflows come to mind, plus general bug response time
would be better.

As for your two bugs... the one about nepomuk might be a version
incompatibility between nepomuk/soprano/virtuoso, and the one about no
logout seems like KDM fails to restart. Which would make former a
possible Kubuntu bug a possible upstream bug.
That is after having looked at them for like 10 seconds, so that is
nothing but a lucky guess.

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