[kubuntu-devel] Making IBus usable in Kubuntu

AWASHIRO Ikuya ikuya at fruitsbasket.info
Thu Aug 2 14:27:18 UTC 2012

On Thu, 02 Aug 2012 09:43:49 -0400
Scott Kitterman <ubuntu at kitterman.com> wrote:

> We need to do two things:
> For precise, we need to do the minimum change to get things working.  I think 
> your ~ppa1 package represents that and I've included those changes in the KDE 
> SC 4.8.5 packaging I'm working on.
> For quantal, there's no need to be minimal.  We can concentrate on making it 
> work well, which it looks like your ~ppa2 pacakges are a good step in the 
> right direction.
I see.

> Unlike the other Ubuntu flavors we do try to miminize our GTK dependencies.  
> Since ibus is only needed for some languages, I think it would be more 
> appropriate for Kubuntu to only install it for people selecting languages that 
> need it, but I didn't do any looking into how to do that.
According to below file, it is hard to do.

Without dependency for IBus, we should do after install:
1. sudo apt-get install ibus
2. kde-language-selector
It is not good user experience.

> Thanks for working on this.
My pleasure.

ikuya at fruitsbasket.info / ikuya at oooug.jp
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