UDS Considerations for Kubuntu

txwikinger txwikinger at ubuntu.com
Thu Oct 13 19:43:27 UTC 2011

On 11-10-13 11:43 AM, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> On Thursday, October 13, 2011 11:36:34 AM Mackenzie Morgan wrote:
>> On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 11:31 AM, Scott Kitterman<ubuntu at kitterman.com>
> wrote:
>>> On Thursday, October 13, 2011 11:26:12 AM Mackenzie Morgan wrote:
>>>>> Kubuntu releases with KDE3 replaced Konqueror with d3lphin,
>>>> KDE4 versions have dolphin. I don't remember being able to find
>>>> anything other than Konqueror for file management or web browsing the
>>>> few times I tried Kubuntu with KDE3 ("tried" because I didn't end up
>>>> liking KDE3).  If dolphin was there, Konqueror was too and was more
>>>> visible.
>>> We did ship a KDE3 thing called d3lphin that was an early version of
>>> dolphin. It was  bad idea.
>> Your other email said 2008, so was that when 8.04 came out and had a
>> KDE3 and a KDE4 version both at once? (how on earth did yall produce
>> two at once????) I only tried the KDE4 version of that. My other
>> attempts with KDE3 were in '07.
> Yes.  It was in Hardy (maybe Gutsy).  In any case, the idea of sticking close
> to upstream is really a post KDE4 vision for Kubuntu that I seriously question
> given that we're years into KDE4, KDE5 is started, and the transition to KDE4
> was never properly finished (I thought I finally owned a system that I could run
> Nepomuk on and see how well it works, but it's looking like I was wrong).
> Scott K

KDE5? Wouldn't it be better to create a good stable product before 
always running to new, instable versions?

I think we have to rethink some things anyway. I believe we should have 
stable versions as default, and bleeding edge in PPAs in order to be 
able to choose what to use. FLOSS is to a big extend really about 
choice. The non-technical user wants a stable solution, the technical 
user is usually expert enough to work with PPAs.

Ralph (txwikinger)

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