UDS Considerations for Kubuntu
Achim Bohnet
allee at kubuntu.org
Thu Oct 13 16:20:52 UTC 2011
On Thursday 13 October 2011 17:08:42 Jussi Schultink wrote:
> Hi all from the phone.
> Is there a reason we dont just put a whole lot of effort this release into
> giving upstream the help they need to get these into good shape?
We should try to achieve that! IMHO it worth it.
If we can't manage to get it to shape for P we can still go back to 4.4.
(I assume soon a PIM 4.4 will be created some where an referenced by
formum and irc channels)
> I know we are relatively short handed, but this is one of our prize
> applications, and it could be really great if we can contribute as well to
> it.
> Please feel free to shoot me down if I have something totally wrong in my
> thought process.
> Jussi
> On 13 Oct 2011 17:57, "Aurélien Gâteau" <aurelien.gateau at canonical.com>
> wrote:
> > Le 13/10/2011 16:31, Scott Kitterman a écrit :
> >
> >> Kubuntu has prided itself on being a distro that is close to it's primary
> >> upstream, KDE. For those of you going to UDS this time, I'd ask you to
> >> consider if this is really the best view for our users.
> >>
> >> I consider Kmail2/Akonadi to be a disaster in 4.7. I know it is working
> >> for
> >> some people, but there are a LOT of people having a lot of problems.
> >> Personally, I had sort of assumed that since this is the second major
> >> release
> >> for Kmail2, it would be generally usable.
> >>
> >> I've built modified kdepim/kdepim-runtime 4.4 packages for my own use. If
> >> I'd
> >> known what the state of these packages would be in 4.7, I'd have
> >> recommended
> >> we stick with 4.4 through the LTS. You might consider reverting even to
> >> 4.3
> >> since that version had a full KDE4 Kaddressbook for 12.04. As it stands,
> >> I
> >> don't think we should have included pim 4.7 in the release (my fault) and
> >> you
> >> ought to consider reverting to a working version for the LTS.
> >>
> >
> > That makes sense to me, but migrating configuration, addressbook and mails
> > from KMail2 + Akonadi back to KMail1 + KAddressBook is going to be a huge
> > work I am afraid. Especially since this is not a subject where upstream will
> > be happy to help :/
> >
> > Aurélien
> >
> > --
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