quickaccess widget - please adjust to KDE 4.6 (code available)
Giuseppe Pennisi
giupenni78 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 26 23:33:01 UTC 2011
2011/3/27 Valter Mura <valtermura at gmail.com>:
> In data sabato 26 marzo 2011 12:25:11, bugzilla at kerridis.de ha scritto:
>> > In 4.5 this also happens with Kickoff and Showdesktop, so from the
>> > perspective of 4.5 is not particularly out of place. For 4.6 it may not
>> > be ideal, but I think complaining it's not compatible with newer KDE
>> > releases is a bit overboard.
>> >
>> > Scott K
>> As I wrote: showdesktop was adjusted for KDE 4.6. But the kickoff icon
>> resizes fine in 4.5 to 128x128 given you have the right icon size in
>> systemsettings.
>> I admit the quickaccess widget still works as it should in KDE 4.5ff - when
>> you define "work as it should" only as "displays the content of folders".
>> But it is harder to use since 4.5 when you finally use the panel in the
>> size you need. And it does not respect systemsettings' options. Plus: the
>> necessary code so that it does is available, not only as a diff but as a
>> whole working plasmoid source:
>> http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/QuickAccess+for+KDE+SC+4.5?content=134
>> 442
> My experience with Quick Access on KDE 4.6.1 is that if I click on "Home/User"
> inside it, I cannot get the list of folders/docs inside the directory (the
> page is blank). After that, if I click on "View|Reload" the folders/docs
> automagically appear.
> I can consider it a bug.
> Ciao
I confirm this bug.
I have the same problem in Maverick (with KDE 4.6.1) and Natty.
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