Default notification changes for network-management

Markus Slopianka markus.s at
Sat Apr 2 12:39:18 UTC 2011

Am Samstag 02 April 2011, 05:45:04 schrieb Scott Kitterman:

> You can configure them, but you do it via the notification settings, not
> via the networkmanagement setting (I had trouble finding this).  I suspect
> it's been there, just not very disoverable.

I looked in System Settings. Wasn't there at that time. But good to hear it's now.

> I think the indication in the systray is generally sufficient and if people
> are particularly concerned, then have a way to re-enable them.  Does the
> ability to enable them via GUI resolve your concern?

No. Thanks to tools like Firesheep, taking over unencrypted connections is a really big 
security risk because it's so easy to do for anybody. If [Event/connfailed] also covers 
that already established VPN connections are lost, it should be active. Or do you 
constantly look at the systray? I guess you're not.
If [Event/connfailed] does not cover lost VPN connections, then I agree it makes little 
sense to have it.

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