kubuntu.org -> wiki: - wiki should be for anything,, including support - Too many intermediate links, bad website design, , Fix would be great. :) ; jor

Patrick Dickey pdickeybeta at gmail.com
Sun Sep 26 19:28:10 BST 2010

After reading some of the original threads on this subject, I thought 
I'd weigh in (from a newbie's point of view).  I understand what all 
sides are saying, and to an extent both sides are right in the issue.

Personally, I'd like to see the second wiki formed (even if it's an 
offshoot of the current wiki).  What I think it should contain is an 
expanded FAQ about Kubuntu.  Basically, if it's in a sticky in the 
Ubuntu forums or Kubuntu forums, and is about how to do something, or 
what hardware/software/etc works with Kubuntu (and how to enable that), 
then it should be in the wiki.

As for managing and creating the wiki, you could ask the moderators in 
the forums to help out with that (since they will know best what 
stickies are relevant).  If it's an Ubuntu (general) item, it should 
only go into the wiki if it's not covered in help.ubuntu.com or the 
Ubuntu Wiki.  If it's a Kubuntu-specific item, then it should be edited 
to be useful to newbies, and put in the wiki.

On the Kubuntu site, you could put a link to help.ubuntu.com (or the 
Ubuntu wiki) for "Ubuntu-general support questions" and a link to the 
Kubuntu support wiki for "Kubuntu-specific support questions" along with 
a link to the current wiki for "Kubuntu-development questions".

To be honest, when I have a question or problem, the first place I go is 
Google.  Second is the Ubuntu-wiki, and third is the Ubuntu 
forums/Kubuntu forums/Linux Questions forums/Linux How To Forums.  From 
there, I'll hop around the Internet until I find the answer (or give up 
trying).  It would be nice to have one place to go for my questions.

And for the question about whether I'm willing to help, I would be 
willing to help in any way that I can.  If you point me to a sticky that 
you want to add, I could help write it up and maybe get screenshots for 
the page.  Like another commenter here, I would need some hand-holding 
at first. I've never submitted or edited a wiki before.

Sorry for the long-winded post. Have a great day:)

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