Dbus error in Kontact

Ayoze Hernández Díaz ayoze12 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 1 15:23:10 GMT 2010

I tend to use much the Kontact application.But when updating KDE from 4.3 to 
4.4 I had a little mistake to open it from the konsole where he says there is 
an error in connection with Dbus.I say this explicitly:

<unknown program name>(2125)/: Communication problem with  "kontact" , it 
probably crashed.                                                                                   
Error message was:  "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply" : " "Did not receive 
a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, 
the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, 
or the network connection was broken." "           

The full report is uploaded on this link:
Full Report 

So, I don't know If I must upload the file tu here or upload to other service, 
It's in Google Docs

Please help me, I need Kontact. Thankyou

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