Wish: replace mplayerthumbs with kffmpegthumbnailer

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Wed Jan 27 14:09:40 GMT 2010

On Monday 18 January 2010 19:20:27 Andreas Scherf wrote:
> The mplayer videothumbnails in dolphin are very slow at the moment.
> I installed kffmpegthumbnailer and after that, the video thumbnails were
> created very fast. It would be nice to have kffmpegthumbnailer as default
> videothumbnailer in kde as default option. I did not want tot wait minutes
> to display thumbnails in folders which have > 20 videos inside.

Looks interesting. Do you know if someone ever attempted to merge it upstream? It 
would certainly be nice to have this functionality available in KDE, rather than in 
Kubuntu only.

This would also make the decision and maintainance problem inside Kubuntu easier.

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