(Kubuntu 10.04) Memory usage unreasonable high?

Tomas Gustavsson tomplast at gmail.com
Fri Jan 15 18:09:36 GMT 2010

2010/1/15 Tomas Gustavsson <tomplast at gmail.com>

> Is it just me or is the memory usage of Kubuntu 10.04 unreasonable
> high? I know that it's still in the alpha stages but it seems a little
> too high here. If I disregard Konqueror from the total memory usage
> it's still around 750 MiB (stabilised to 720 after 10 mins or so), out
> of 2.9GiB according to ksysguard.
> I know that KDE may be more for "power users" then GNOME is, but still
> something must be wrong if Kubuntu draws almost 3 times the memory
> compared to Ubuntu. Or is it that KDE somehow reserves more memory
> then GNOME and doesn't actually uses 750MiB of my memory?
> There's no doubt in my mind that Kubuntu is becoming a better every
> day, but there must be a healthy balance between the resource usage
> and the functionalities.

I just want to clarify a few things, I installed Kubuntu 10.04 (Alpha 2)
just an hour ago or so. I haven't installed any extra software or activated
any 3d drivers or desktop effects. More or less an untouched installation.
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