KOffice2 status for Lucid

Jonathan Riddell jriddell at ubuntu.com
Thu Jan 14 18:08:14 GMT 2010

On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 02:25:08PM -0600, Richard JOHNSON wrote:
> I am working on the KOffice2 package right now, actually I am going to
> pause working on the package right now. The reason is because we moved
> KOffice2 into main, and it had a lot of universe build depends. If we strip
> out these build depends, we will have the sorriest package known to man for
> KOffice2. I am a fan of KOffice2 and I do not want to see this, so before I
> continue packaging KOffice 2.1.1 which is due out either tomorrow or
> Wednesday, I am going to attempt an MIR on the missing packages. I thought
> about uploading a substantially stripped KOffice, however I would be
> wasting my time, as I would have to go through and uncomment a lot of
> stuff.
> In the future, if we are going to push a package into main, and it has
> build dependencies on packages in universe, I think we should MIR the deps
> first before pushing a package into main.

We knew this was a job half done, but finishing it off got stuck
behind new year holidays and the RC release.  Thanks for picking it


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