frustrations w/ KDE 4.4

Yiannis Belias jonnyb at
Tue Jan 12 15:22:33 GMT 2010

Jonathan Jesse wrote
> I apologize if the email came across as expecting production quality of an
> RC, I hope that wasn't the case.  You mentioned debug packages, which debug
> packages for the crashes I am experiencing to help debug them better?

  This is what I do to find out. Suppose the offending executable is "plasma-desktop":

$ which plasma-desktop
$ dpkg -S /usr/bin/plasma-desktop
kdebase-workspace-bin: /usr/bin/plasma-desktop
$ apt-cache showsrc kdebase-workspace-bin|head -n1
Package: kdebase-workspace

Your debug package will have '-dbg' suffix (if it exists), so:
$ sudo apt-get install kdebase-workspace-dbg

Hope that helps,

Yiannis Belias  <jonnyb at>                    `
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