More on DBusMenu integration for Kopete and KNetworkManager

Aurélien Gâteau aurelien.gateau at
Fri Feb 19 08:09:12 GMT 2010

Scott Kitterman wrote:
> On Tuesday 16 February 2010 11:53:49 am Aurélien Gâteau wrote:
>> Only remaining question is: would you be ready to switch to the Plasma
>> applet version of KNM for Lucid assuming we get it to run reliably?
> If run reliably means be at least as stable as the systray application and 
> provide at a minimum all the same features, then I think it could be 
> considered.  I would think we'd also want an upstream recommendation on this.

Makes sense. I suppose knetworkmanager will still be available from the
repositories in all cases, so I am probably going to propose a very
simple Kubuntu-specific patch to disable dbusmenu for knetworkmanager:
Yesterday I added a way to disable dbusmenu through an environment variable.
This is quite hackish, but it does not require extending kdelibs API and
it can also be set by a user who would want to disable dbusmenu for a
problematic application we overlooked, so I think it can be handy when
something breaks.


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