about restricted packages recommendation patches

Harald Sitter apachelogger at ubuntu.com
Mon Sep 28 10:27:13 BST 2009

On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 11:24 AM, Harald Sitter <apachelogger at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Ahoy
> yesterday I made Konqueror recommend flash to be installed (via the
> common update-notifier-kde dbus call).
> First I looked at the patch one thing hit me like lightning however.
> It appears that in all implementations done before the application
> name was hard coded in the patch. Why that is bad you ask? Because the
> application name as seen in the desktop file _AND_ in the KAboutData
> object, is, really, like completely, translatable. Meaning Konqueror
> might not be called Konqueror in mandarin. This is probably a very
> border line case (though I am not speaking all languages supported by
> KDE and thus can't judge about this, plus no one can tell if there
> might not appear a translated app name in 4.4...), yet we have to
> resolve this issue and be it just to prevent issues from arising due
> to this hard coding.
> As a matter of fact the code change is considerable simple.
> In case of Konqueror the following line
> +  dbusargs.append(QLatin1String("Konqueror"));
> becomes
> +  dbusargs.append(KonqFactory::aboutData()->programName());
> Konqueror is a bit of a special case because the aboutData object is
> part of KonqFactory. For most other apps (I am quite sure about this
> for Kaffeine) you would implement the dbus call somewhere near the
> KAboutData object (usually to be found in main.cpp), thus you can
> access the object directly
> +  dbusargs.append(aboutData()->programName());
> Described in an app independent name: query the programName from the
> KAboutData object (unique to each KApplication). For Qt-only apps,
> such as Arora, hard coding can probably remain (unless you find some
> global name defintion somewhere, then this defintion should probably
> be preferred).
> So everyone please jump at the patched apps and refine the patches (I
> suppose only Kaffeine and Amarok are patched, though I am not exactly
> sure about that?).
> General remark: since the programName is not bound to be latin, and
> conversion to latin would make the translatedness quite pointless, the
> QString returned from programName() is not converted but sent as it
> is, on a default karmic system that does work out fine, if anyone
> thinks that it could cause problems I am all for doing a conversion to
> something. :)
> regards,
> Harald

Also meant to include the reference patch from Konqueror:

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