Project Timelord -- Initial consideration

Jonathan Thomas echidnaman at
Tue Oct 20 21:21:09 BST 2009

Hello fellow Kubuntu developers,

Kubuntu, as we know, is a fairly good KDE distribution. (Otherwise we would 
not be here reading this mailing list) However, things are not perfect. In 
fact, things could be much better.

"But what is Project Timelord?", you may ask, "and how does it relate to 
Kubuntu's problems?" Both are good questions. Project Timelord is the 
brainchild of the Kubuntu developer legend Harald Sitter; the culmination of 
several weeks of brainstorming by a handful of Kubuntu developers, focused 
towards identifying problems Kubuntu currently faces and solutions for these 

And now, we wish to bring Project Timelord to the attention of the greater 
Kubuntu development community for input. You can find the internal developer 
release announcement that outlines the purpose and proposed solutions of 
Project Timelord at:

If it is decided that we would like to adopt Project Timelord as a goal to 
work towards over the next few cycles, we can start towards prioritizing the 
solutions and work towards forming a roadmap to implementing these solutions. 
This way we can all stay in the know of what is going on even if we are unable 
to attend UDS, and those attending UDS will have a unified goal to work 
towards as they flesh out the implementation details for Kubuntu 10.04, Lucid 

The purpose of this email is to generate discussion to determine whether the 
Kubuntu developer community wishes to adopt this plan or not, as well as to 
provide input on the brainstormed solutions. Until it is decided, we would 
politely ask you to not announce the existence of the project to the general 
public. We would like to hear your thoughts on the initiative here, though. :)

Thanks in advance,
Jonathan "JontheEchidna" Thomas.

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