Use "desktop" in a disambiguous way: get rid of the desktop folder

Thomas Olsen tanghus at
Tue Nov 17 13:01:27 GMT 2009

On Friday 13 November 2009 22:26:22 Andrea Canidio wrote:
> Can the Desktop folder be only a link to whatever folder you actually have
>  on the desktop? This would be another way to make the word "desktop" less
>  ambiguous.
> Alternatively, we keep the desktop folder and we call desktop something
>  else, like "workplace", so that we have "show the workplace" instead of
>  "show the desktop" and so on.

+1 for Workplace. I still miss the OS/2 days with the Workplace Shell :-) The 
best GUI I have ever used.

Best Regards / Med venlig hilsen

Thomas Olsen

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