kde 4.3 problems

Divan Santana Divan.Santana at gmail.com
Mon May 25 10:38:49 BST 2009

Hi All,

I'm enjoying KDE 4.3 beta 1 packages - thanks for this.

Just have a few problems(obviously since its beta and not supported).

I've noticed since the upgrade fish:// protocol with dolphin and kate is 
eg. If I open a kate session(which opens many remote files over fish to a host) 
it opens all the files successfully however if I modify a file and save if says 
"Connection to host "hostname" is broken."

The bad result is either a partially modified file on the remote host which ends 
abruptly or a empty file.

You can imagine this is quite a terrible bug.

It seems to browse fine(via dolphin or konqueror) and even create blank files. 
If I create blank files and edit it with kate (over fish) I can save files with 
just a few characters but if I try then put lots of characters(33 lines by 736 
columns)  of random letters it errors out same as above.

My question are:
1) is this a kubuntu packaging problem?(If not I can report the bug at 
2) Can anyone else reproduce this bug(its very easy to do - please try).
3) Does anyone have a work around?

Perhaps beta 2 next week will fix this but at the moment its a quite a major 
problem for me.
Divan Santana

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